So its not always about music on its own, sometimes it can be accompanied by things like moving images. I remember when MTV played music videos, seems like a different lifetime. Here is a short tribute to some interesting music videos.
Stanley Franc
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
We will start with a video that takes me back to early MTV or more specifically MTV2 where all the cool kids hung out - more alternative, yeah? This is the Smashing Pumpkins with '1979' - an amazing song and great video, a nostaligic trip and coming of age type story linked to the boredom and frustration of adolesence in a small town.
Hours And Minutes - E.Y.E
Moving swiftly on lets have a look at some earlier work of one of the Cult members. I was living in Stoke Newington in Hackney, looking to collaborate with interesting people I found on the myspace website.. I met a chap called Afro Rizzy who had political and socially conscious leanings for his lyrics, we also both liked Rage Against The Machine. We made a 5 track EP and sent it to Sound on Sound magazine for their monthly demo competition where we won 1st prize (a 1000 cds to be pressed of our next release see https://www.soundonsound.com/people/playback-74 should you be so inclined). We recruited a bass player and drummer and made our next EP including this video:
Unfortunately the band fell apart soon after the pressing of this CD, I still have hundreds of them in my loft, tsk.
Big In Sheboygan - Swim Team
More recently the powers of the Cult have been used for the greater good in helping others. It could of been labled serendipity that we had a friends band who had a song called 'Swim Team'; that we also knew someone else who had one of more strangley decorated pools you will have ever seen - put them together and you can have a Cult produced music video:
The Company
So ending on something different.. this is perhaps my favourite video on youtube. I have shown it to anybody who will watch as I think it is a brilliant combination of music and synchronized dancing, the effort that would of gone into this is stunning, the choice of music is BRILLIANT yet they only came second in this competition - its way better than the winning entry.